Alicia Navarro

President & Co-Founder, Skimlinks


We are delighted to feature this week’s Inspirational Woman in Business: President and Co-Founder of Skimlinks, Alicia Navarro. Skimlinks is a content monetisation platform which powers commerce content strategies for publishers. The company is a former member of Tech City UK’s Future Fifty Programme. In 2018, Alicia founded Navarland, a consulting, coaching and publishing business. She is the Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Breega, a €150 million seed fund with investments across Europe. Alicia also currently sits on the Board of Trustees for Young Enterprise UK, a national charity specialising in enterprise and financial education.

Don’t forget to enjoy the ride, all the time.

1. Best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Focus. Focus. Focus. That means saying “No” to a lot of things, which will be difficult. I’m unfortunately not very good at this, but I am aware that if I were better, I’d be even more “successful”.

2. Worst piece of advice you’ve been given?
You can have it all. It just isn’t true, and beating yourself up because you don’t have it all is incredibly destructive. No one has it all, and the pursuit of it is toxic.

3. What would you tell your younger self?
Don’t forget to enjoy the ride, all the time.

4. What excites you most about the future of your industry?
I think there is going to be an interesting confluence between the future of work, future of employee benefits, and future of travel, and future of nature conservation, which I’m personally fascinated by.

5. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She is a great model for female leadership: feminine and strong, a great leader who delegates, focused on her mission but able to compartmentalize and appreciate the joy of whimsy and friends, tenancious and diligent in her training while retaining her innocence and wit. Every aspiring female leader should invest time in watching Buffy.

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