Ann Cairns

Executive Vice Chairman, Mastercard


Ann Cairns is the Executive Vice Chairman of Mastercard, representing the company and brand around the world. Prior to this, Ann was President of International Markets, managing all customer-related activities worldwide and guiding the company’s expansion into diverse geographies. Other senior leadership experience includes a tenure as CEO of Transaction Banking at ABN-AMRO and 15 years in senior operational positions at Citigroup. Ann began her career as an award-winning research engineer, moving through the ranks to become the Head of Offshore Engineer-Planning for British Gas; Ann was the first woman qualified to go offshore in Britain.

1. Best piece of advice you’ve been given

If your boss doesn’t rate you, change your boss.

2. Worst piece of advice you’ve been given

You are the successor. Stick around. (you usually ends up as a lady in waiting)

3.What would you tell your younger self?

Life is a marathon not a sprint.

4. What excites you most about the future of your industry?

Tech revolution- AI leading to more creativity.

5. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

Melinda Gates. She is such a decent person with the means and the influence to make good changes in the world. Greta and Malala give me hope for the future.

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