Dr Claudia Natanson is a highly respected, thought leader, information and cyber security professional and consultant within the international arena. Recognised as a top technology influencer by the Financial Times, she works across diverse industry sectors, FTSE 100, Fortune 500, government and growing organisations.
A European Commission information and cyber security expert, she has over 15 years’ experience in helping organisations meet global compliance and regulations obligations. She is Founder of the Corporate Executive Programme (CEP), a body that unites senior decision-makers from leading companies and public sector organisations across the world to discuss business impacting risks, and security related issues and threats.
1. Best piece of advice you’ve been given
My grandfather always telling me from a very small child growing up in the island of Jamaica “ education is a powerful weapon, no one can take it from you, get it and use it wisely”. I have never stopped learning, listening and making time to share my knowledge to help educate others.
2. Worst piece of advice you’ve been given
In the 21st century still have someone say to you, “If you want to succeed here, best accept that this is how things are done around here”
3. What would you tell your younger self?
Keep investing in your health and personal well being. Banking the benefits are worth more than any amount of money you will ever have.
4. What excites you most about the future of your industry?
I am excited about the phenomenal way technological, digital and scientific advances whether used as single entities and or collaboratively continue to shape the way we live, work and do business. However there remains a huge gap and work for us to do to maintain our ethical responsibilities and ensure a balanced risk and reward landscape. For example, the power of social media, but inability to protect those who may be harmed by it, the power of data, but inability to adequately provide the appropriate levels of protection it needs.
5. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration are Olympians. Here are a few examples why. Having to get up each day for 4 years to train whether rain, sun, sleet or snow, telling yourself, that you can win, and even more importantly are deserving of winning. Then experience the win or experience the feeling of losing and having to pick yourself up, re-motivate and start the process again. For self -motivation when executing, to tell yourself even when the ‘race ‘ to others looks lost, to dig deep and reach that place inside yourself, that you never knew existed, to push yourself to and over that finishing line. My lesson- that for success, your mental and physical consciousness must be in harmony, fine-tuned and working as one. It is for this reason, that for years I have never entertained self -doubt, and I keep motivated, because once you have experienced both winning and losing, you know what it takes to win and keep winning.
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