Genevieve Leveille

Founder & CEO, AgriLedger


Genevieve led AgriLedger’s collaboration with Haiti’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry to deliver a Distributed Ledger Technology pilot sponsored by the World Bank.  The project went live in May 2020 allowing Haitian fruit farmers, customers and families to reap the benefits of fairer prices and improved food security. She is also leading a COVID Rapid Response project supporting the effective and safe delivery of testing kits by assuring the Value Chain. 

Genevieve was nominated by the Financial Times to the top 100 BAME in UK technology in 2019 and was a top five finalist for Quesnay’s Female Founders in FinTech 2019. She has spoken on emerging technologies at numerous high-profile conferences around the world. She is vice-chair of techUK’s Distributed Ledger Technologies Working Group, which provides strategic direction for all UK activities related to DLT, and is an inaugural member of the Advisory Group for the Estonian Government’s eResidency initiative.

1. Best piece of advice you’ve been given 

Carpe Diem – Learn to work hard and play just as hard. 


It is important to enjoy every moment of your existence as you never know when the end can come.  The Spring of 2020 has made clear to me the abruptness of change.  The great pandemic changed many plans and also our outlook towards what we could do and what we may be able to do in the future.   At the start of the year, I had a calendar full of conferences and plans such as being on the ground in Haiti to support the go-live.  However, the Universe had a different idea and not only did it make us slow down, but it also took away many dear and loved ones.  We also lost freedom that we had taken for granted until now. There are places that I had left as part of the bucket list that I may never get to see or do.  But I am grateful for having my health and a place to call home.


2. Worst piece of advice you’ve been given 

Give up the fight, it is not worth it to go for it even if you are in the right. Funny, I realized a few days ago that I have been fighting from day 1.  When I was born as a preemie at 3 months before my expected arrival, there were thoughts that I would not survive, but I am entering into the second half of my life with my spirit for perseverance intact and ready to battle whatever may come.  The trick is you will lose a few battles, but the war is yours to conquer.

3. What would you tell your younger self? 

It is all going to turn out okay, even the bumps in the road will have some exhilarating effects.  Do not forget to keep on learning as this is what will keep you motivated and forever curious. 


4. What excites you most about the future of your industry? 

The true possibility to attain distributed and equitable value and power that allows for more of us to enjoy life. 

Technology has the possibility to support the reduction in conflict which then translate in greater prosperity and time spent with those we love.  It will result in less migration towards the unknow in search for a better life. 


5. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

Cliché, but my mother.  She brought up three highly accomplished women on her own.  She provided us not only the best educations, but most of all she gave us the greatest of gifts, self-worth.

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