Lucy Mullins

Co-founder & COO, StepLadder


Lucy is one of the Co-Founders of StepLadder, a fast-growing property fintech start-up that is dedicated to helping first-time buyers own their own home.

She is also the Co-Founder of #RideTheWave, a professional coach training programme designed for leaders, founders and people that want to make a difference in the world.

Lucy graduated with distinction from the University of Oxford’s Executive MBA programme, and has a first-class honours degree in Exercise, Psychology & Health Science from the University of Bath.

She started her career on the executive graduate scheme at HSBC and was then headhunted to set up and run the world’s first academic-industry collaborative research centre for the finance industry at the University of Oxford.

Lucy is qualified as an executive coach and accredited with the Association for Coaching. She is currently writing her first book, a handbook for millennials to navigate working life.

1. Best piece of advice you’ve been given 

Don’t chase the salary.  Find what you’re good at, give it 110% , the rest will follow


2. Worst piece of advice you’ve been given 

“Even though you’re not enjoying this job, you’d better stick it out a bit longer and work your way up the career ladder” 

3. What would you tell your younger self? 

Take a personality test, understand your character strengths and only do work where you can bring 100% of your personality and use your key strengths.

4. What excites you most about the future of your industry? 

In the fintech industry, it’s the focus on consumer centric ethical products and services, which can truly make people’s lives better.   In the coaching industry, it’s breaking down the barrier of coaching being just for executives and the privileged few, and the accessibility of coach training to build diversity in the coaching community. 

5. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

I’m a PANK (Professional Auntie No Kids), and my nieces Aviana (3) and Liliya (1) are the lights of my life.  I want to make the world a better place for them to grow up in, want to be a great role model for them and most of all their endless energy and laughter is a fabulous source of inspiration. 

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