Maggie Carver

Deputy Chair, Ofcom and Chair, the Licoricia of Winchester Appeal

Maggie is Deputy Chair of Ofcom and Chairs its Content Board and Election Committee.  She recently spent 16 months as its Interim Chair.  She is also Chair of the charity, the Licoricia of Winchester Appeal and a Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire. 

Maggie’s working life began in investment banking followed by a number of roles in the media industry.  She was involved in the setting up of ITV franchise, Meridian Broadcasting, and was Chief Executive of Channel 4 Racing producer and outside broadcaster, ThreeonFour.  Until its sale in December 2017, she owned and ran with her husband, a retail and online business specialising in the sale of goods for the elderly and disabled.

Additionally, over the last 30 years she has gained extensive experience as a non-executive director on the boards of twenty companies, public, private, and not-for-profit.  These include chairing news and programme provider ITN, the British Board of Film Classification, leading horseracing industry body, the RCA, and multiplex operator, SDN, as well as acting as a non-executive director on the boards of Channel 5 Television, RDF Media plc, Satellite Information Services, the Eden Project and British Waterways.

1. What values are most important to you as a leader? 

Integrity, collegiate stewardship, and hard work.

I chose to put integrity first because without it, I believe it is very difficult to operate, especially in the long run.  Trust is a vital part of any relationship and without integrity there is no trust.  Stewardship covers a number of values which encompass supporting management, managing the Board, and ensuring the best use of the resources of the organisation.  I mention “collegiate” because none of this can be done successfully without working together.  Finally hard work – I think we all know that.

2. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

I find many people inspiring.  As an ex-athlete, I find Paralympians particularly inspiring, but I think I would have to mention my grandma as having been a life-long inspiration.  She was a fearless pioneer in many respects, including Germany’s first woman medical professor.  Although she was incredibly modest and never mentioned expectations, we were in no doubt that tertiary education and a career were expected, no matter what gender.

3. Best piece of advice you have been given?

Drop the baggage.

For me this means, bear no grudges, have no regrets, and keep moving forward in a positive way.

4. What would you tell your younger self?

Pace yourself, life is a marathon not a sprint.

When I was young I was very eager to get on and I was being offered good opportunities.  With a young family to look after, I worked myself into illness.  This was not necessary, had I paced myself better.

5. What has been your most important or profound lesson as a leader?

Doing the right thing.

Sometimes doing the right thing can be hard.  I have had to “do the right thing” when it has not been in my own interest.  However, I know that I don’t want to live with my conscience if I don’t and I’d rather be respected.
