Christine Ourmières-Widener

Non Executive Director, Datalex


Christine is a CEO / Senior Business Leader, Non-Executive Director and Organisational Change Expert, designing and implementing business innovation and optimisation strategies for the Travel & Transport Infrastructure sectors to drive growth.

Most recently she has been CEO and Director of the Board at Flybe Group, Europe’s largest regional airline having previously spent almost 5 years as CEO and Director of the Board at CityJet. Earlier positions include several years at Air France including Vice President & General Manager of Air France KLM.

Christine is currently a Non-Executive Director at Datalex in Dublin. Earlier NED/Advisory roles include: Irish Sports Council; Women in Travel (WiNiT); and the European Regions Airline Association (ERA).

1. Best piece of advice you’ve been given

My best piece of advice was from my first coaching experience, learning about yourself better and take the time to understand the profile of the people around you.

2. Worst piece of advice you’ve been given

To compromise on your ambition in exchange of job security.

3. What would you tell your younger self?

Please make sure you eat at the table.

4. What excites you most about the future of your industry?

A crisis is a good opportunity for all industries to change quicker and accelerate digital transformation.

5. Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

Who? Christine LAGARDE, President of the European Central Bank.

What? Corporate sustainability and the engagement of all stakeholders and of course Diversity and Inclusion.

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